Jeremy Lin may have went to Harvard, but when it comes to the Power of the P, Luther Campbell has a Doctorate Degree. So, Lin would be wise to listen to the words of wisdom of Uncle Luke.
This isn’t just good advice for Lin, but men in general.
Lin isn’t ready for the power of the coochie. He’s no Tim Tebow. Why do I say that? First of all, Lin has a Harvard degree and Tebow got his college education at the University of Florida. That’s like comparing a rocket scientist to a Honda mechanic. Also, Tebow has won a collegiate national title and the Heisman Trophy, so he’s used to girls testing his decision to stay a virgin until marriage.
But Lin was just another unknown D-leaguer before breaking out this season. He’s not used to the headlines and babes fawning all over him. Until recently, he was sleeping on his brother’s couch and couldn’t have gotten laid in Rio de Janeiro during Carnaval. Last week, I’m sure he had every fine model who strutted the catwalk during New York Fashion Week waiting for him outside Madison Square Garden.
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